Wednesday 25 May 2011

Last day in Kabwe - Thursday 21st April 2011

Today was the last which we would work with our school groups. Friendships had been built up in the short time we had been here, and this was our opportunity to say goodbye to our friends from Sport in Action, and also the children we had played with during the week.

Parachute play at Mpima School
A planned festival, for all of the children we had worked with, to be held at Twafane School, was cancelled, so each group again made their way to their allocated school for the morning session.

One of the basketball teams at Twafane
Netball and basketball tournaments were arranged at Twfane School, with the boys playing basketball in matching vests, enjoying the chance to play competitively.

After working with the peer leaders to deliver different games and play activities to the children, the students left at lunchtime, with varying degrees of sorrow, having really enjoyed their work with these children who face uncertain futures.

The afternoon was free time, with the majority of the group taking the opportunity to go into Kabwe town centre. Here, they found themselves the centre of attention, some finding this rather oppressive.

Setting up the volleyball net at Mpima School
Knowing that we had finished our working time in Zambia, we were all looking forward to spending the evening in the company of the SIA volunteers, as they had been invited to Mulubila for a barbeque and drinks, so they could say their farewells.

This was a great night for everyone, forging new, hopefully, longlasting friendships. Since arriving back in the UK, we have been keeping in touch with each other on Facebook, and some students are considering the possibility of visiting Kabwe in the future.

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